Aurangabad - II: Ajanta - Cave 19 to 26

Aurangabad - II: Ajanta - Cave 19, 21, 23, 24, 26 Cave 19: This cave has the most beautiful façade of the all of Ajanta caves. This chaityagriha (16.05 X 7.09 m) was excavated in 5 th century A.D of the Mahayana phase. The stupa is carved with a standing image of Buddha. Exquisite facade of the Cave 19 The façade has a portico standing on two pillars, above this is a horse-shoe shaped chaitya arch-window. On either side of the chaitya window are the imposing sculptures of Yakshas which are notable for their ornate jewelry and interesting hair styles. There is Buddha images on either sides of the entrance and the whole façade is ornate with sculptures. This cave is one of the best specimens of Buddhist rock cut architecture. Ornate sculptures on the facade The entire cave was once painted including the pillars, walls and the vaulted ceiling. Traces of paintings can be see even today. The space between the vaulted ceiling and the pillars, is filled with beautiful scu...